Landing page Kyiv

Completed work

  • Design
  • Development
  • Project management
  • Content

About the project

“Kyiv” is a landing page developed specifically for the Department of Tourism and Promotion of Kyiv City State Administration to attract attention to the cultural and tourist potential of the capital of Ukraine. Using CMS WordPress and a bilingual interface, we have created a convenient site for everyone who wants to learn more about Kyiv. offers a unique opportunity to explore the sights of Kyiv in 3D format. With this innovative feature, visitors can view unique tourist objects of the capital, immersing themselves in a realistic virtual experience. Our team is working to make “Kyiv” the best source of information about Kyiv for local residents and tourists from all over the world. We strive to raise awareness of the cultural and historical values of the city, making them accessible to everyone.

See also

Corporate site

Website for the foundation

Online platform

Online media