Travel portal

Completed work

  • Google street view
  • Design
  • Development
  • Project management

About the project

The tourist portal of Zaporizhzhia was created in 2017 for the establishment of the Zaporizhzhia tourism management for the sake of the city. The site allows you to plan your own requisitions at the locality: to know the tickets, choose a hotel, buy tickets for the tickets.

All tourist objects were marked on Google Maps and on the website of the Mistsia branch. Distributed from the poster of my visits, integrated with the help of API from the Karabas service. The platform was implemented on the CMS Discover Platform.

The identity and design of the site was developed by Dmitro Bulanov. The color scheme of the site repeats the design of the logo and the coat of arms of Zaporizhzhia. Golovne zavdannya was supposed to show all the facets of Zaporizhzhia and see the traditional associations of the place, including the Cossacks.

Feedback of the client

Sergiy Bilov
Director of the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Zaporizhzhia City Council

The Department of Culture and Tourism of the Zaporizhzhia City Council expresses its sincere gratitude for the work done to create a tourist portal “Zaporizhzhia. Seven ways to adventure”.

We especially note that the layout of the pages and programming is performed at a high level, and a convenient site management system allows you to easily update the information on it.

All works under the contract were performed efficiently and in a timely manner.

See also

Corporate site

Website for the foundation

Landing page

Online platform